Showing 2 Result(s)
Iggy Pop Miles Davis Music The Record That Changed My Life

Iggy Pop on Miles Davis’ ‘Sketches Of Spain’ (1960)

This sadness does something to you. I remember exactly how I bought Sketches of Spain in a store for used vinyl at Mercer Street corner Bleecker in New York, for $3,99. It was the time after CD’s had conquered the market and people sold their vinyl records in order to replace them by discs. That’s …

Music The Comet is Coming

The Comet is Coming – Trust in the Lifeforce of the Deep Mystery Impulse! (2019)

I miss those days when I would walk into a record store and scan the wall of new releases. Sometimes looking for nothing more than a sleeve that grabs my eye. That one cover that jumps at me, with no or limited knowledge of the music or musicians within those grooves. The art of album cover design …