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Kraftwerk Computerwelt
Kraftwerk Most popular Music Saliha Enzenauer

Computerwelt: Kraftwerk Recorded The First Anti-Surveillance Song 40 Years Ago

We live in a computer world, so we made a song about it. Ralf Hütter In 1981, Edward Snowden‘s revelations on how Imperial America mass-surveilled its own citizens and the citizens of the world were still 32 years away. Yet, the seeds for today’s surveillance capitalism and globalization as 21st century version of colonialization were …

Marilyn Manson Music Saliha Enzenauer

Cake & Sodomy: Marilyn Manson, Porn, And Moral Degeneracy in The United States

VCR’s and vaseline, tv-fucked by plastic queensCash in hand and dick on screen, who said God was ever clean?Bible-belt ’round anglo-waste, putting sinners in their placeYeah, right, great if you’re so good explain the shit stains on your face Marilyn Manson, “Cake and Sodomy” (from: Portrait of an American Family, 1994) *** It just took …