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Film Most popular Saliha Enzenauer

La dernière femme (1976)

Director: Marco Ferreri „If I were asked to characterize the present state of affairs, I would describe it as ‘after the orgy’. The orgy in question was the moment when modernity exploded upon us, the moment of liberation in every sphere. Political liberation, sexual liberation, liberation of the forces of production, liberation of the forces …

American Psycho Baudrillard America Hyperreality
Film Politics & People Saliha Enzenauer

American Psycho (2000): A Visionary and Criminally Underestimated Work on Hyperreality & Trump

ABANDON ALL HOPE YE WHO ENTER HERE (opening lines of American Psycho) Every time when somebody mentions the obnoxious Matrix films and babbles something about “taking the red pill“, I fantasize that Patrick Bateman comes along, presses play on “Sussudio“, and then does what he does best. The Matrix films are works of science fiction …