Showing 6 Result(s)
Gary McFarland Mark Lager Music

Gary McFarland’s Cinematic Forgotten Genius

Gary McFarland is a forgotten name by most music listeners. This is a tragedy since he was a bit of a genius- an arranger/conductor for jazz musicians, a cinematic composer of his own recordings, and a producer of a psychedelic hidden gem. Gary McFarland (born October 23, 1933) began his career arranging and conducting jazz …

Ghost Funk Orchestra Music

Ghost Funk Orchestra – Walk Like a Motherfucker (2018)

Sometimes you discover music that is a pure injection of electric energy into your day. Ghost Funk Orchestra’s Walk like a Motherfucker (2018) is exactly the kind of joyous, self-assured, even arrogant single that makes you want to strut your bad ass down the street. Don’t think of Travolta here- this is all Shaft. Roll …

Music The Comet is Coming

The Comet is Coming – Trust in the Lifeforce of the Deep Mystery Impulse! (2019)

I miss those days when I would walk into a record store and scan the wall of new releases. Sometimes looking for nothing more than a sleeve that grabs my eye. That one cover that jumps at me, with no or limited knowledge of the music or musicians within those grooves. The art of album cover design …

Makaya McCraven Music

Makaya McCraven – Universal Beings (2018)

On Universal Beings, Jazz drummer & producer Makaya McCraven has crafted together a series of gigs from around the globe: London, New York, Los Angeles and Chicago, using a different grouping of musicians for each gig / city). The live recordings were then pulled into the studio for processing. The result is completely new and …