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Octavio Carbajal González

My name is Octavio Carbajal González, I am 23 years old and I currently live in Mexico City. I am a medical student, and have an incessant passion for music, film and literature. I mainly write film reviews and talk about those films that potentially can make transcendent changes in people's lifes. I also talk passionately about music and books that have established a radical change in my life.

My love for cinema started when I discovered the films of Lars von Trier, his artistic vision and ideology about the world was what I always wanted to find. On the musical side, the post punk movement was the one that introduced me to all the fascinating alternative musical movements that came up afterwards. I want to especially mention Joy Division, The Smiths, The Cure and Radiohead, which were the groups that were always with me in all the situations of my life. I also have an eternal gratitude for having found the books of Nietzsche, Dostojevsky and Kafka, who were the ones who radically changed my thinking and expanded my ambitions to continue with my life and do something meaningful in it.
I'm extremely honored to write for Vinyl Writers, which we will turn into an outstanding space to discuss art.

Showing 62 Result(s)
Film Octavio Carbajal Gonzalez

The Exterminating Angel (1962)

Director: Luis Buñuel Luis Buñuel is remembered as one of the most interesting, influential and renowned film directors of the 20th century. The Spanish filmmaker born in the city of Calanda enjoyed a very privileged childhood, which was always sheltered in the lap of his wealthy family. After receiving a strict catholic education, Buñuel concluded …

Film Octavio Carbajal Gonzalez

Red Desert (1964)

The Italian filmmaker Michelangelo Antonioni was a survivor of an era, one in which enthusiastic experimentation could still be combined with thoughtful sequences. Antonioni is a fundamental auteur in the evolution of 20th century European cinema, his initial Neorealist techniques were modeled and enriched by the study of different social classes, especially the alienated bourgeoisie. …