Showing 15 Result(s)
Music The Comet is Coming

The Comet is Coming – Trust in the Lifeforce of the Deep Mystery Impulse! (2019)

I miss those days when I would walk into a record store and scan the wall of new releases. Sometimes looking for nothing more than a sleeve that grabs my eye. That one cover that jumps at me, with no or limited knowledge of the music or musicians within those grooves. The art of album cover design …

Houston Person Music

Houston Person – Goodness! (1969) 

Barry’s Cafe was the kinda place that catered to a local crowd. You could always be assured of three essentials: cheap drinks, strong pours, and a good time. The atmosphere? Light, good-natured and friendly. Barry’s was a unique place. A local joint with live music, pool tables and people from all walks-of-life; neighborhood down-and-outers, street-workers, …

Makaya McCraven Music

Makaya McCraven – Universal Beings (2018)

On Universal Beings, Jazz drummer & producer Makaya McCraven has crafted together a series of gigs from around the globe: London, New York, Los Angeles and Chicago, using a different grouping of musicians for each gig / city). The live recordings were then pulled into the studio for processing. The result is completely new and …

Mark Lager Miles Davis Music

Miles Davis and His Musical Revolution – on the 50th Anniversary of ‘In a Silent Way’

by Mark Lager
We are listening to the city at night, but we hear only the nothingness of silence. We are back inside the church as the humming of the organ and the tentative, two-note guitar strum return us to the revival.

What was this truth so deep and profound that it could not be spoken in words but only carried on the night wind through the streets in acts of silence?

It was revolution.

It was that which is called peaceful.