Showing 5 Result(s)
Gary McFarland Mark Lager Music

Gary McFarland’s Cinematic Forgotten Genius

Gary McFarland is a forgotten name by most music listeners. This is a tragedy since he was a bit of a genius- an arranger/conductor for jazz musicians, a cinematic composer of his own recordings, and a producer of a psychedelic hidden gem. Gary McFarland (born October 23, 1933) began his career arranging and conducting jazz …

Jorge Reyes & Antonio Zepeda Music

Jorge Reyes & Antonio Zepeda – A la izquierda del Colibri (1986)

Let’s be clear: electronic music didn’t begin in the 1980s. Innovations in electronic noise have been developing since the end of the 19th century. Both Italy and Russia had important Futurism or “Futurismo” movements that greatly advanced modern music. Each subsequent decade adding to the thinking, sounds and instruments musicians have at their disposal. Nevertheless, electronic music did …