Simon Le Bon Chronicles 1
Part 1: In The Pleasure Groove
by Saliha Enzenauer / Yokomono
It is a hot summer night and I go to a Duran Duran concert. I enter the arena and fight my way to the front row to see my Simon. The lights go down and ‘Planet Earth’ strikes up. I can’t hear myself screaming, because everybody else is screaming too. Waves of teenage sexual energy keep hitting me, eventually they seem to bundle up in a spot right inside of me.
I am the epicenter now, calm and menacing, silencing all animals facing the upcoming earthquake. Simon turns around his head and looks straight into my eyes, I paralyze him and he points at me while instructing a roadie to get me on stage. The crowd divides like the Red Sea under Moses’ steps when I walk towards him. Simon takes my hand and wants to know my name. He looks mesmerized when I tell him. Then he says
“Saliha, do you want to sing ‘The Chauffeur’ with me?”
I sing The Chauffeur with him. I dance towards Simon and wrap my arms around him, then I do some sexist things he can’t complain about because he has to play that flute… But his eyes flicker and I’m shaking like milk when he asks me
“Do you wanna come to my yacht tonight?”
This is the New Romantic music equivalent of Penthouse Forum -“I can’t believe I’m writing to you, but …”. I’m enamored already. It’s eroticism with a beat; I danced into the fire right next to you. As Iggy himself inevitably would hiss and snarl after reading this first installment: “Even so, its not enough for me. And I need more. I need more. I need more.”
You’re welcome, darling. This is a warm and sexy place for us to breed.