Showing 296 Result(s)
Bo Harwood Film Music

Music In The Raw: Bo Harwood and John Cassavetes

Like the films of John Cassavetes, the music that Bo Harwood recorded is very special for reasons hard to explain. Raw, unrefined, yet holding tremendous emotional power within such simple musical structures, it beautifully complimented the unique work Cassavetes and company were creating in front of the camera. “Over the years, it never really occurred …

Brian Eno Mark Lager Music

Make a Blank Valuable by Putting it in an Exquisite Frame (and other Oblique Strategies)

I was born on May 15, 1948 in the small town of Melton in Suffolk, England. I studied painting at the nearby Ipswich Civic College and at the Winchester School of Art from 1966-1969. I explored abstract expressionist painting and wrote poetry. 1975. I was walking across a crowded intersection and was struck by a …

Grand Funk Railroad Most popular Music

The Three Forgotten Stoners from Flint

They were never really embraced by the east and west coast intelligentsia. Rolling Stone magazine wasn’t a friend to the band, nor was the hip alternative magazine from their home state, Cream. Their sound was a throbbing monolith, built on a pure, primitive drive that was closer to a voodoo ceremony than a peace happening. …

2814 (aka HKE and Telepath) Music

2814 (aka HKE and Telepath) -新しい日の誕生/ Birth of a New Day (2015)

Just that name “Vaporwave” was enough to turn me off. The aging hipster within making it very clear that I would have nothing to do with this internet creation. “Just a shiny plastic container with nothing inside”, I said defiantly. Without depth or feeling or humanity, this music was nothing I would be interested in …

Music Ry Cooder The Record That Changed My Life

The Record That Changed My Life: Dave Grohl on Ry Cooder – Paris, Texas O.S.T. (1984)

(Dave Grohl expands his views on Paris, Texas for Paris, Texas is the perfect album for a cold, gray Sunday morning on which you don’t want to leave the house and have time for yourself. Because the music is understated, you don’t have to focus on the album, you simply feel it- it can …

Interview Magick Brother & Mystic Sister Mark Lager Music

An Interview with Eva Muntada & Xavi Sandoval (Magick Brother & Mystic Sister)

Interview by Mark Lager What were your first experiences that made you decide to become musicians? Eva: I really don’t know if I decided to become a musician, it is just a path that is part of my life. Since I was a child I have enjoyed listening to music and I have found myself …