Showing 296 Result(s)
Blue Cheer Mark Lager Music

Mark Lager’s Summer Vinyl: Blue Cheer – Outsideinside (1968)

“As a young teenager, Blue Cheer scared me because older teenagers told me that a dog at a Blue Cheer concert dropped dead from the sheer volume of their amplification! Hell, their guitarist only left the group when he went deaf!” exclaimed Julian Cope in his appreciation of the band. “The only raucous, LOUD and …

Mark Lager Music Rose City Band

Mark Lager’s Summer Vinyl: Rose City Band – Earth Trip (2021)

Novalis once wisely wrote, “Philosophy is really homesickness: the urge to be at home everywhere.” This same truth is found much more deeply in music and poetry. 2020 – 2021 will be remembered as the homesickness years. We were separated from loved ones and quarantined inside our homes and, during this trauma, some of us …

Mark Lager Music Playlist

17 Songs for Summer

Grantchester Meadows” (Pink Floyd)Opening with one minute of chirping morning skylarks and buzzing flies, Roger Waters perfectly sets this idyllic scene with his acoustic guitar, pastoral lyrics, quiet singing, and, around the 4-minute mark, the sound effects of a flowing stream and flying geese panning across the stereo. “Misty morning whisperings and gentle stirring soundsBelie …

Kraftwerk Computerwelt
Kraftwerk Most popular Music Saliha Enzenauer

Computerwelt: Kraftwerk Recorded The First Anti-Surveillance Song 40 Years Ago

We live in a computer world, so we made a song about it. Ralf Hütter In 1981, Edward Snowden‘s revelations on how Imperial America mass-surveilled its own citizens and the citizens of the world were still 32 years away. Yet, the seeds for today’s surveillance capitalism and globalization as 21st century version of colonialization were …