Showing 296 Result(s)
Joy Division Music New Order

New Order – Ceremony (1981)

by Saliha Enzenauer
The nocturnal snowscape looked grey through the fog. It seemed to Ian that he had been wandering through the night for years, not feeling the cold anymore.
He remembered other lifes. Lifes in which he kept hearing the distant call while he was walking trough the distractions on his path. The voice wouldn’t go away, no matter how hard he tried to numb himself down. The voice would echo in his songs.
He remembered lifes that he had ended, unfulfilled.
Now he was in a place where everything came together, the earthly and rational world, heaven and mystery, the world of ghosts and spirits and dreams. It was the place to chase the distant call down in this center and edge of the world. The time had come…

Cotton Jones Mark Lager Music

Cotton Jones – Tall Hours in the Glowstream (2010)

by Mark Lager
Cotton Jones create music that sounds old and lived in: times spent wandering the backroads, the highways and byways, of America; times spent alone in the wilderness; times that seem out of our time and summoned from the past. Yet even though they are extraordinarily underrated and at the outset placed in the genre categories of “lo-fi”, “indie folk”, and “alternative country”, they transcend these boundaries and are a rarity for our generation: a band which wears its heart honestly on its sleeve and stands on the shoulders of giants but does not steal from them like the majority of contemporary groups.

Music Os Mutantes

Os Mutantes – A Divina Comédia ou Ando Meio Desligado (1970)

There’s a freak-out brewing… by Shawn Ciavattone It’s that sleeve, right?  So cool – the original illustration was by Gustav Doré for Dante’s ‘Divine Comedy’. How could the music possibly live up to that sleeve?  Well, it does!  Radical, joyous, inclusive, psychedelic, hard rock,  innovative – a real freak-scene.  No other psych-rock album ever grabs …