Crazy Turks Music Saliha Enzenauer

“Listening to him is like shoveling earth on myself.” Müslüm Gürses Fans on Youtube

Saliha Enzenauer
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(Read our related main story here: Crazy Turks – 1 / Müslüm Gürses & the Razor Blades)

A selection of Müslüm Gürses fan comments under his videos on YouTube:

– Listening to him is like shoveling earth on myself

– Damned be those who made you write this song

– You’ve raped our emotions again, Baba

– His voice cuts my veins open and then leaves

– Makes your tears shoot faster than bullets

– Baba, come back, they are hurting us

– Atheists shall explain the origin of this voice

– I have no heart anymore

– He destroyed my life in 4 minutes

– (after Müslüm Gürses passed away) 1 dead, 35 millions injured

– Baba come back, they are hurting us

– If Müslüm Baba told me that he’s giving a concert in the hereafter, I’ll shoot a bullet in my head and take my razor blade with me

– Love, you are like the bad songs of Müslüm Gürses: you don’t exist

– The same god who created Müslüm condemned alcohol. It’s a world of temptation

– I turned to ashes under the cigarette smoke

– A man is at his most desperate when he searches Müslüm Gürses on Youtube

– I have started smoking because of you

– The violin in the song gives me a pain like it’s stuck in my ass

– I’m 14 but feel like 64

– My room is smelling of lighter gas

– Baba, fall in love and we will suffer for you

– It’s ripping out my inner organs

– The heartbreakers shall burn, I’ll fuck the hose of the fire brigade

-If you play this song to a mouse, it will destroy the cat

– As long as I have this terrible wife, I won’t stop listening to Müslüm

-In which state of mind were these songs written?

– You have fucked us, Müslüm Baba

– He is fucking us dead or alive

– I suffer from sorrows that I do not have

– Müslüm Gürses is the only narcosis given through the ear

– The blood in my veins is trembling

– Please put this song on an USB stick and plug it into my ass when I die

– It’s therapy, we want müslümology in the hospitals

– I became a truck driver just because of this song

– I condemn those who made me listen to your music

– You may listen to Mozart or Rihanna, one day your path will drop to Müslüm Baba

– Even when I was pissed drunk and had a double vision you were always unique, Baba

– Those who pushed me in your arms with just 16 years should be ashamed

– Santa enters the chimney, Müslüm Baba enters through the vein

– I thought they were having a barbecue at home, but the smell came from my heart

– May Allah not leave anyone so lonely to make him read the comments on YouTube

– He’s not satisfied with having fucked our lives… he’s making a fetish out of it. The sound of blowing wind in the beginning… Thank you Baba

by Saliha Enzenauer

(Also read: Sniffin’ Glue – Müslüm Gürses Album Titles Translated and
Crazy Turks – 1 / Müslüm Gürses & the Razor Blades)

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