Another American ‘Freedom-BDSM’ Session
You can walk from there to China
Mark Lanegan, Night Flight to Kabul
From state to reptilian state
Holy Americans, singing vespers
Convinced that they control somebody’s fate
February 2022 was one of the stranger months in the dystopian blur of the last two years: I am reading David Talbot’s The Devil’s Chessboard in tiny doses and laconically call it “my horror-book“ because I am deeply disturbed by its content, although I am absolutely no stranger to the history of the CIA (which I consider the world’s biggest and most degenerated & fatal terror agency). But Talbot’s extremely well-researched chronicle of the CIA history chronicled along the lines of the life and impact of the devil that is long-time CIA chief Allan Dulles is something else, and I need mental breaks from it after every few passages. The CIA’s and Bush family’s heavy collaboration with German Nazis and their cover-up of the holocaust for two full deadly years, aided by today’s “international fact-checking“ media like the New York Times and Washington Post. The CIA’s Operation Paperclip, where not a few but most Nazi functionaries evaded justice by being flown out of the country to have prosperous careers abroad, or being falsely cleansed of their many crimes and installed into high government functions in post-war Germany. One example is Reinhard Gehlen, the chief of Fremde Heere Ost, the German Army’s military intelligence unit on the Eastern Front, who was recruited by the US military to set up a spy ring directed against the Soviet Union with the support of the CIA and became the head of the West German intelligence apparatus. Sounds similar to today’s situation in the Ukraine, where the US and the core European states, which are simply the big Colonial powers, gloss over the fact that they are arming neo-Nazi paramilitary units like the Azov Battalion to fight the “Soviets”, or their support of the rascist Zionist ideology in Israel? History rhymes… but back to The Devil’s Chessboard and its content.
The CIA-confirmed atrocious MK Ultra torture program developed by Nazi eugenics doctors which are still being used on CIA torture black-sites like Guantanamo. The many bloody and torturous coups across Latin-America and the Middle East backed and financed by the CIA. The CIA murder of John F. Kennedy and his brother Robert, the CIA murder of Patrice Lumumba, the CIA and FBI murder of countless civil rights activists and artists. All of this and more, and the book doesn’t even cover 9/11 and its aftermath: the US’s implementation of digital hegemony and global mass-surveillance, and its “shock and awe“ invasions and destructions of Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Yemen and more. Finishing Talbot’s book around mid-February, I have the most intense of nightmares, one that feels so real that I wake up in sheer terror: the devil is pushing me down my bed by my foot while I’m sleeping. I can’t calm down for days.
The terror is still in my bones when the news hit the next day, Mark Lanegan dies and the world shifts for me; the last time I felt such a void when an artist died, it was Bowie. One days ship comes in… one hundred days… oh, Mark. Eerie and esoteric feelings take over me, as I sense that the death of a such a vast and connected artist like Lanegan can only be a harbinger for darkly twisted things to come. And indeed, how dark and twisted they are, and how endlessly interesting they are.
Russia invades the Ukraine after weeks of sable-rattling from the US, and a wave of raging Eurocentric nationalism and blood-thirst is sweeping across the United States and Europe. American senator Lindsay Graham openly calls for the assassination of a foreign leader, other officials call for false-flag attacks to defeat the Russians. A French minister calls for „Total War on Russia“, Germany is completely unleashed: while the early reports on the Ukraine were dubbed with footage from a chempark explosion in China in Germany’s biggest media outlet BILD, „We will ruin the Russians with sanctions“ and „They are no neutral Russians anymore, everybody has to openly confess for or against Putin“ are only two of our minister‘s statements in an endless stream of brachial war-rhetoric, which in a breathtaking speed is implemented into reality and completely embraced by the liberal class: Russian classical music artists and conductors like Anna Netrebko and Igor Zelensky (not THAT Zelensky) get fired and banned from playing concerts because they only speak out against war but not against Putin (in the meanwhile, far-right dissident darling Alexander Nawalny is suddenly nowhere to be mentioned, maybe because he supported the annexation of the Crimea and is of no use right now). Cars and shops of Russians in Germany get vandalized, Russian people collectively de-humanized and demonized, the UK bans Tchaikovsky and Dostoevsky get cancelled in a university in Milan. The white man in Europe and the US still loves to crack the whip, doesn’t he?
Further: within a week, German supermarkets collectively ban Russian products from supermarkets, those who do not follow immediately get medially shamed and cancelled. We’ve had that before: „Don’t buy from Jews“ was the slogan of the Nazi boycott of Jewish businesses. „Did it use to happen so quickly after 9/11?“ I keep asking myself, thinking about the terrible crusade against Muslims that is already in its 3rd decade, because all of this has “Freedom Fries“ written all over it, but seems even worse because it is fueled by social media and algorithms. And then there is another thought: were we not told that boycotting and divesting was an illegal and racist, even terrorist crime, at least when it came to BDS and targeted Apartheid Israel?
The boycott against Russia doesn’t stop with goods and culture, Russian content gets scrubbed from social media and search machines, Russian media outlets got banned in the EU and the USA, who have a self-proclaimed monopole on press freedom and freedom in general, and are now openly doing exactly what they criticize Putin and other leaders for. What will be the rationale for all of this, besides „banning disinformation“? Do they think that North Korea is giving no reasoning for such bans, and what makes their reasoning wrong and ours right? It all became so Orwellian. Other criminalizations and certainties were reversed and fell without further comment: with astonishment I read the many headlines and articles glorifying armed Ukrainian civilian fighters as heroes and hailing the Ukrainians decision to arm every male between 18-60 and forcing them to fight, untrained or not. Some UK newspaper has even printed instructions for civilians on how to build Molotov cocktails. Excuse my irritation- we were told that every Palestinian kid throwing a stone, and every Palestinian resistance fighter throwing a Molotov at the occupation forces is a terrorist and that there is no heroism in resistance? And we thought that it was a linguistic incapacity the western man suffered from so that he could not name the oppressor and the oppressed correctly. Turns out that he can if it serves him.
Have no doubt about that when any of this hypocrisy and moral inconsistency is brought up, you’ll at one point hear the word “whataboutism” being thrown around. It is a highly interesting word. “Every society invents the words that are fitting to their condition” is a basic linguistic rule. It seems like “whataboutism” is the only, quite weak and ridiculous defense in the fog of hypocrisy and moral rot. It is the refusal to take accountability and a push to make past atrocities and the shaky moral arguments under which they were committed forgotten. It is actually a fascist word: do not think, do not reflect, do not compare and assess, do not look into history, just do as we say and react to this one thing we framed as it is expected from you.
And so, an infamously anti-refugee Europe which lets hundreds of refugees drown in their waters every day since many, many years, is now almost begging for refugees from the Ukraine- except for the black or Muslim ones, which are segregated at the Ukrainian borders and not allowed to leave before white Christian Ukrainians. Western politicians and news-anchors are openly giving the reasoning for that humanistic development- „blonde and blue-eyed Ukrainians are dying“(Ukraine) „They are white and Christian just like us“ (Poland), „They are not from countries like Afghanistan or Iraq, but from a relatively (sic) civilized country“ (America)- and they are speaking the truth: it was always about hating the “uncivilized sub-species“ like Africans and Kurds and Arabs which the Empire bombed out of their countries. But the current displays of empathy and solidarity, mainly expressed via social media posts and with the little help of US-affiliated algorithms, should not only be questioned because the majority of these people did not spend one thought- let alone speaking out about- US-bombed hospitals in Syria or Afghanistan, and therefore long proved that they couldn’t be more indifferent to the fates of innocent civilians. It is more than that: blind but not undamaged by the atrocities and crimes of their Empire, they are now acting like depressed skin cutters overwhelmed by their own indifference and harming themselves with razors, in order to see if they still feel. It makes you feel sorry, actually.
But, twisted narratives tend to twist further, and so something unexpectedly positive could be seen emerging from this war, which like all wars is despicable and mind-numbing in its war propaganda coming from all sides involved: the Empire is not only in decline, but naked like never before. The thin veil of Western civilization has unlifted in a never seen way and laid bare open for the vast world outside of the Eurocentric bubble, and it is a development that could eventually could make anti-imperialist dreams come true by ending the petrodollar and US hegemony. The writings are on the wall: sanctions as means of war have been overused by the West, and nowhere led to the aspired effect. Russia has been completely pushed into the arms of China, and the big plot-twist for some might be that both of these countries were planning and preparing for it, already having reduced their payments in dollars and built up their own systems. Many other countries did so and will do, hence this is ONCE AGAIN NOT A QUEST FOR FREEDOM but once again a war for energy and oil, and soon also for wheat and water. Plus, the mafiaesque seizure of Russian property across Europe and the USA, the open calls for total war and assassinations of foreign leaders, are a warning to all other countries and not building any trust but a clear message to reduce their investments in the West. America and Europe have always stolen as the colonizers that they are, but it has been more hidden until now, taking place out-of-sight in faraway places their citizens did not give a shit about: Africa, the Middle East, Latin-America. For example, it just happened on February 12 this year that Burisma-Biden released $7 billion in frozen assets from Afghanistan’s central bank (a system that the occupying USA itself implemented and controlled in the course of bringing dEMoCRacY to the lithium-rich country) in order to fund families and lawyers of victims of the September 11 terror attacks with the Afghan people’s money. This super-villain theft sparked no outrage in the same people which now pretend to pray for Ukraine, and which a while ago pretended to be so outraged about “the poor Afghan women” when the Taliban kicked the US out of Afghanistan, the same women who were bombed for 20 years and are now starving because the Afghan treasury has been looted by the colonial invaders.
But the theft is in plain sight now that it is taking place in Europe and the US, indeed it makes a very big difference that all of this is taking place there, and that the headlines are too big to hide this time. If you paid attention, this sort of theft was already unleashed on Western grounds in what were the “Trucker-protests” in Canada, where MAGA-type truckers protested planned vaccine-mandates and blocked streets and bridges in Ontario. Now, you don’t have to sympathize with this particular crowd and their case (I don‘t) to see that freezing their accounts and seizing their trucks to end the protests and pay reparations is a breathtaking paradigm-shift, especially because it happened under the argument that the protests are harming the economy. What does that mean for the future of labour strikes, which are all about damaging the economy temporarily until better working and wage conditions are granted to workers? It frankly looks dark.
(Talking about Corona: would I not be a triple-vaxxed person and know it better, I might by now consider the theory that we have indeed been chipped and that this our first re-programming, because once the Russian invasion started, the pandemic was over here in Germany, in the heads of politicians and in the heads of the people. When Cologne celebrated the first day of its annual 6-day carnival excess, it was condemned by the rest of Germany on a Thursday. Then the invasion started and Cologne hastily re-branded the booze-fueled celebrations as “anti-war demonstrations” the following Monday and was hailed and applauded by the rest of the country. An astonishing and mind-numbing paradigm shift. 250000 people gathered in Cologne without any talk about a virus, although there was still a reference to it via one of the parade cars right in front of the Catholic Cologne Cathedral: a giant gun pointing at a poster that read “The Unvaxxed“ Fun times!)
But an empire in decline is a dangerous one, and indeed things are getting very interesting: Victoria Nuland- that lady who infamously was caught on tape while she was talking about which puppet to install into the Ukrainian government after the US/Europe backed coup at Euromaidan in 2014, and while beeing at it suggested to „Fuck the EU“ – this Nuland under oath admitted to US bio-weapon labs in Ukraine in front of the US congress two days ago. The WHO advised to shut these dangerous bio-labs down before the deadly pathogens (another term for bio-weapon) developed there couldn’t be released upon people. In the single day between these two admissions: while the existence of such laboratories was labeled a conspiracy theory before and even after her admission, Nuland expressed her concerns that the Russian military took over these labs and now might unleash biological warfare on Ukrainians. I mean… you have to be an American to be able to immediately twist the fact that the discovery of your government building and financing biological laboratories experimenting with dangerous pathogens like Anthrax in the Ukraine into hypothetical Russian guilt and malice. And indeed yesterday, on March 10 , the big deja-vu starts and German newspapers are full with headlines „American Government claims that Russia will use Weapons of Mass-Destruction“. We know this plot already from Iraq (questioning the false claim of their existence would be labeled “disinformation” today) , and we know where this plot ended, and we even know why it happened: the threat of the steps that Saddam Hussain and Muammar Gaddafi took to end the petrodollar on which the US hegemony keeps rolling. But today, 20 years later, we unironically are presented with Condoleezza Rice and Hillary Clinton („We came, we saw, we killed“) condemning the Russian invasion on American news shows while stating that „every invasion is against international law and must be brought to court“. I mean, Arabs, Kurds, Palestinians, Africans… the vast majority of the world is witnessing this in disbelief. These hawks surely must know that they themselves have passed the Hagues Invasion Act in which they granted themselves the right to invade the Netherlands if US war crimes would ever be brought to the Human Rights Court in Den Haag. Having distant relatives in the Crimea in Ukraine, I think that there is a good case to be made to bring both Putin and Zelensky in front of such a court for war crimes, but let the cells next to them be occupied by George W. Bush, Hillary Clinton, Tony Blair, Donald Trump, Barack Obama, Burisma-Biden, the CIA and the long rest of the thuggish murderer gang, okay?
Few Americans are seeing their Empire as what it is and fighting for progressive change, they are being smeared and intimidated as “comrades” or “paid by Russia/China” almost instantly. Quite some Americans are desperate for turning their villain image around and craving to be the good guys just for once, during the process again falling into every trap they have fallen into in the past, again turning a blind-eye on the crude and murderous imperial interests of their country. But even more reject diplomacy and seem to crave for escalation and nuclear war in what appears to be a manic-depressed death wish. Somewhere in-between are those Americans who virtue-signal in order to keep up the status quo, this time expressed in a fake solidarity with the “friends-and-cannonfodder-only-because-they-are-my-enemy’s-enemy“ Ukrainians, which like the Kurds are probably up for a very bad awakening. To say it with the ever shar and deep-cutting Malcolm X: “The white liberal differs from the white conservative in one way. The liberal is more deceitful and hypocritical than conservatives. Both want power; but the white liberal has perfected the art of posing as the N****’s friend and benefactor.”
by Ivan Drago
I wear this crown of shit
Trent Reznor, Hurt
Upon my liar’s chair
Full of broken thoughts
I cannot repair